Peng Wang / Associate Professor

Dr. Peng Wang’s research focuses on sustainable material cycle and its linkage to energy, environment, economic (trade), and geopolitical systems.

Peng Wang / Associate Professor

Dr. Peng Wang’s research focuses on sustainable material cycle and its linkage to energy, environment, economic (trade), and geopolitical systems. He joined our group since Jan. 2019 after his postdoc research in Australia. He has obtained his Ph.D. from University of New South Wales (UNSW, Australia) at 2018 with one of most prestigious UIPA award, and then he continued his research as Postdoc Writing Fellow supported by UNSW. He has worked on the material cycle for more than 10 years with high motivation on quantifying material linkage in this interlinked world, and transferring research into industrial practice and policies. He has published various publications on sustainable material cycle, critical minerals, and integrated modelling of Metal-Energy-Environment (M2E) Nexus. Meanwhile, he has been served as a reviewer for a wide range of journals such as RSER, RCR, JCP, JIE, SOTE, JRPO, etc.

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Ph.D., Manufacturing Engineering and Management, The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, 2018
M.S., Energy Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, 2014
B.S., Thermal Science and Energy Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, 2011
